Cabinet okays Finance Supplementary Bill 2023; sales tax rate goes up to 18 per cent
ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet on Tuesday approved the Finance
Supplementary Bill 2023 allowing increase in general sales tax to 18 per cent
and additional taxes on luxury items as part of the reforms related to the
International Monetary Fund’s Ninth Review.
The supplementary bill was passed in a cabinet meeting
chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif who gave the directives not to tax any
daily use items which could affect the poor or middle class.
the briefing given to the prime minister, it was told that under the reforms,
luxury items would be taxed.
prime minister said the government was making maximum efforts to put the
minimum possible burden on the poor people; however, he called for taking
necessary measures to tax luxury goods.
supplementary finance bill would now be tabled before the parliament on
Wednesday as the president has already summoned the sessions of the National
Assembly and Senate.
prime minister said that an austerity policy would be adopted at the government
level which would soon be formally announced as the economic difficulties could
only be overcome while limiting ourselves within our resources.
said all of the cabinet members and the government officers would be bound to
adhere to the austerity package as it was inevitable to steer the country out
of economic challenges.
said the 220 million of Pakistan were bearing the brunt of the incompetence and
negligence of the previous government.
assumed the power in difficult circumstances and sacrificed our politics for
sake of the state. The previous government betrayed the people through its tall
claims of simplicity and austerity,” he remarked.
federal cabinet approved the renaming of the Turkiye Earthquake Victims Fund as
Turkiye and Syria Earthquake Victims Fund with the prime minister urging the
people to donate wholeheartedly to this fund.
prime minister expressed condolence over the destruction caused by the
unprecedented earthquake in Turkiye and Syria. He also apprised the cabinet
members of his telephonic interaction with Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan in which he assured Pakistan’s all-out support to the quake-hit people.
said the relief goods including blankets, warm clothes and others had been
dispatched to Turkiye and Syria while more goods were also being sent there.
The Pakistan Air Force, rescue workers, NGOs and philanthropists were also
taking part in the relief activities, he added.
cabinet members also offered Fateha for the mother of Advisor to Prime Minister
Ahad Cheema.
federal cabinet endorsed the Economic Coordination Committee’s decisions it had
taken in its respective meetings held on February 10 and 13, 2023. It also
endorsed the decisions of the Cabinet Committee on Legislative Cases taken in
its meeting held on February 9, 2023.