Beware of Fraudulent Emails - Phishing Scams
There are numerous attempts by
individuals & groups to solicit personal information from unsuspecting
users by employing social engineering techniques. Various emails are crafted to
appear as if they have been sent from a legitimate organization or known
individual. These emails often attempt to entice users to click on a link that
will take the user to a fraudulent website that appears legitimate. The user
then may be asked to provide personal information, such as account usernames
and passwords, which can further expose them to future compromises. Additionally,
these fraudulent websites may contain malicious code. Emails designed to obtain
taxpayer’s banking information in lieu of facilitating a refund to the taxpayer
or any other activity associated with an individual’s bank account are
extremely dangerous with an intent to defraud the individual. FBR strictly
advises the taxpayer from disclosing any information especially related to your
bank accounts via these emails and associated links.
This is called Phishing and it is used
by identity thieves around the world who misuse the online financial systems
and deprive unsuspecting people of their money. Globally phishing deprives
people of around a billion US$ annually.
Email phishing refers to the act of
creating and sending fraudulent or spoofed emails with the goal of obtaining
sensitive financial and personal information. Under such schemes, emails are
designed to look exactly like the ones that are sent by legitimate companies.
Sophisticated phishing attacks use the email addresses of people who are
registered to use certain services. When those people receive emails that are
supposed to be from those companies or institutions, they are more likely to
trust them. Spoofed emails often contain links that lead to spoofed websites,
where various methods are used to request and collect a person’s financial and
personal information. Forms are occasionally contained within the emails
themselves too.
There are many signs of a phishing
email. The first thing that you should look at is the greeting. Does it use
your actual name, or does it have a generic greeting? Look closely at the
email’s header. What is the sender’s email address? These addresses are usually
carefully designed to look authentic. By taking a very close look at them,
though, you can usually see inconsistencies and things that don’t make sense.
If possible, compare the sender’s email address to that of previous messages
from the same company. If it’s a phishing email, you will notice things that don’t
add up.
People often fall for these ruses because they are afraid of losing access to
these important services. Companies now offer extensive information on ways to
avoid such phishing scams on their websites.
There is no simple way to completely
avoid email phishing attacks. Sooner or later, someone is bound to send you a
spoofed email. The easiest way to avoid these scams is by never clicking on
links that are included in email messages. Make it a policy to always type in
the URL of the site that you need to access manually. Upon arriving on the
site, you will be able to confirm whether or not the message that you received
was legitimate. If it’s a spoofed email, find out where to send it – most
companies & institutions like to know about the scams that are going on out
Once you believe you have come across
a Phishing Page you should immediately report the concerned page to Google via
the following link:
This will help to ensure that
unsuspecting visitors & users are warned before they are duped in divulging
sensitive information compromising their financial accounts and associated
Furthermore, suspected links to Phishing pages can be reported to the National
Response Center for Cyber Crime in order to flag & stop them from
functioning from defraud unsuspecting individuals:
If you receive an e-mail or find a
website you think is pretending to be of FBR, forward the e-mail or website URL
You may forward the message as received or provide the Internet header of the
e-mail. The Internet header has additional information to help us locate the
After you forward the e-mail or header information to us, delete the message.
If you receive an e-mail from someone
claiming to be the authorized by FBR or directing you to an Income Tax website:
- Do not
- Do not open
any attachments. Attachments may contain malicious code that will infect
your computer.
- Do not click
on any links. If you clicked on links in a suspicious e-mail or phishing
website then do not enter confidential information like bank account, credit
card details.
- Do not cut
and paste the link from the message into your browsers, phishers can make
link look like real, but it actually directs you to different websites.
- Use
anti-virus software, anti-spyware, and a firewall and keep them updated. Some
phishing e-mails contain software that can harm your computer or track
your activities on the internet without your knowledge. Anti-virus &
Anti-spyware software and firewall can protect you from inadvertently
accepting such unwanted files.
taxpayers and general public are advised not to send their bank account details
and password to any emails received from any email address that is apparently
from FBR. Any link to any bank is not provided on FBR’s website and FBR would
never ask for your bank details and passwords on its home page. Banks always
advise their customers against disclosing their password even to bank officials
or bank’s genuine websites. Public is requested to be careful and prudent
regarding such emails and the links provided through such emails. All taxpayers
and general public are requested not to trust such emails and never disclose
their bank account numbers, passwords and other details.
These precautionary instructions are
being issued in the public interest and public is also advised that if someone
has become a victim of this phishing attack through using the link sent through
above mentioned email, they must immediately change the password of the
relevant online bank and never share it with anyone.